Top 5 Python Frameworks That You Should Try in 2021

3 min readDec 30, 2020
python frame work

1. Django

It is a full-stack python framework and the most loved one, being in the top 5 web frameworks in 2020. It is free to use and is open source with a huge number of functionalities it provides to make web development a lot easier. It assists in developing and delivering extensively scalable and fast, robust web apps. It comes with exhaustive documentation and community support. It contains built-in packages and ready-to-use libraries. Along with this, it also provides URL routing, database version control, and schema migrations, authentication support, web server support, template engine, an object-relational mapper (ORM)..

2. Flask

Flask is considered the best python microframework and is extremely lightweight, adaptable, and has a modular design. It is open-source and is compatible with Google App Engine. It has improved and secure support for cookies for establishing client-side sessions and offers suggestions rather than enforcing any dependencies. Flask has a built-in development server, HTTP request processing, and Jinja2 templating. It has minimal architecture and includes unit-testing support. Some more features of the flask are object-relational mapping, flexible app structure for file storage, built-in debugging which is very fast, uses Unicode, and is fully WSGI compliant.

3. Pyramid

Pyramid is another full-stack python framework whose primary aim is to build applications of any complexity with ease. It provides extensive testing support and offers flexible tools for development. Pyramid makes it easy to send Ajax requests with the help of function decorators. It has a flexible approach for secure authorization and authentication. It makes web application development and deployment much more fun, predictable, and productive with easy URL generation, renderers, predicates and templating, and asset specifications. Other features of the pyramid include quality measurement, security management, templating, comprehensive documentation, and HTML structure generation.

4. Dash

With the rise in interest in ML and Data Science fields, it is now the most downloaded python framework used for building analytical machine learning & data science web applications and is built on Plotly.js, React, and Flask. It provides a high level of customization and has inbuilt error processing, LDAP integration, and URL routing through its deployment server. It also provides plugin support and contains a user-friendly interface for combining UI controls such as graphs, dropdowns, sliders, etc. It issues multi-user support and many users can have multiple sessions and has a high level of scalability.

5. Falcon

It is an extremely secure and reliable Python web framework for building high-performance large-scale app backends, APIs, and microservices. It promotes the HTTP and REST architectural style and has 100% code coverage. It has a highly optimized, extensible, and efficient code base and routing through URI templates and REST-inspired resource classes. It assists in unit testing through WSGI helpers and mocks with additional features being the processing of DRY requests by hooks and middleware components, Cython support giving extra speed boost, and natural and figurative HTTP responses.


The bottle is a simple, fast, and lightweight WSGI web-based microframework for python. It has no dependencies other than the Python Standard Library and is distributed as a single file module. It was originally developed for building APIs and is suitable for building simple prototypes and apps for personal use. Additional features include an inbuilt HTTP server, WSGI support, plugin support for various databases, adapter support for template engines, and URL parameter support.

